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Facebook Trending

Learn about current events through conversations
When something happens in the world, it might take a while for it to show up in News Feed. And if your friends or pages you follow aren't posting about it, you might not see content about important events outside your friend network or interests.

The trending unit on Facebook's homepage shows breaking news events and popular conversations in the world.

When you click a topic, you see a page designed to help you understand the topic from various perspectives. You can browse top headlines from news publishers, comments by relevant public figures, photos and videos from people involved, live updates, and posts from friends and family.

Working closely with leadership to refine the trending sidebar unit, we launched in early 2014.

We designed a system for presenting content about a topic through different sections.

This system was used for the trending topic and search result pages. It was also used in experiences for the Oscars and the Super Bowl.
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